Thursday, September 26, 2024

After the flood waters subside…


In the early morning hours of May 5, raging flood waters from nearby Coryell Creek entered the 95-year-old house of worship known as Pecan Grove Baptist Church. Lifelong members of the church said that it was the highest the water had ever been in the building. Pews, hymnals, church furnishings, and the pulpit were all displaced in the raging flood waters.

Since the church was flooded, Sunday services have been held in the Oglesby Community Building until the church can be repaired.

A second blow came after the flood when a thunderstorm with high winds blew through the area and uprooted a large pecan tree on the grounds of the church. “It was the largest pecan tree on the property, and it fell on and crushed one corner of the historic tabernacle,” said Pecan Grove pastor Jeff Huckeby.

Since the time of the flooding and the damage to the tabernacle, funds have been pouring into the church for the restoration project. After a Go Fund Me page appeared on the internet, a long-time church member stepped forward and donated $50,000 to cover the cost of whatever was needed to repair and restore the church. Prayers were answered.

Since last May, Huckeby reported that repairs on the church are progressing. He said that, a few weeks ago, the repairs had been made to the roof of the tabernacle by Lyle Bomar, but it still needed some electrical repairs.

“Because the church’s entire electrical system had to be repaired, the Heart of Texas Coop had to come out and set a new power pole behind the church,” he said.

Huckeby continued, “The walls and floors have been repaired and repainted. All the interior and exterior doors have been replaced. Electrical, plumbing, and HVAC repairs are close to completion. The kitchen repairs in the fellowship hall are close to being completed. The replacement chairs for the fellowship hall and new pew cushions should be arriving in a few weeks.”

Huckeby concluded by saying, “Once the repairs are complete, we plan on having a true homecoming celebration.”