Thursday, September 26, 2024
Pearl News

Another great day had by all at Pearl


The Pearl Cottage Bookstore and the Pearl Bluegrass report a great day was had by all during the Sept. 14 events. The bands that played on the stage were outstanding, and everyone said the music was better than ever all around the Pearl Community Center. The kitchen had absolutely delicious pies and homemade lunch items. No one who ate in the kitchen left hungry! The bookstore enjoyed many visitors, and they wish to thank everyone who made purchases. Remember, all purchases go toward local charities. Also remember that the monies received by the kitchen and the donations to the Pearl Community Center go toward the upkeep of the building and grounds and continued opportunities for the bluegrass to continue monthly for years to come. Please consider supporting the bluegrass and bookstore events. They are so important in keeping these wonderful community events funded! The next bluegrass and bookstore events for 2024 are Oct. 5, Nov. 2, and Dec. 7. All are welcome to attend and are encouraged to bring lots of folks with you. There’s no place like Pearl!

Visitors to the Pearl Bluegrass Event paid a visit to the Bluegrass Kitchen where they enjoyed delicious, homemade food along with a variety of pies and cobblers.
Visitors to the Pearl Bluegrass Event paid a visit to the Bluegrass Kitchen where they enjoyed delicious, homemade food along with a variety of pies …

The Pearl Church of Christ enjoyed 50 attendees last Sunday! There were many children and visitors, which are always welcome at this sweet church. Mark your calendars for Oct. 20 for the 129th Homecoming! Dr. Charles Patterson will be the speaker, and there will be a catered lunch following the service. Plaques for the longest attending member, the youngest attending that day, the oldest attending that day, and the farthest traveled that day will be given. You don’t want to miss this important event. Bring family, friends, and those you just met to Pearl Church of Christ. The friendliness of this church is unparalleled.  You will be so glad you came.

I just learned that Mr. R. McDonald has been forgiven and rehired by Linda Ray. I detect that Mr. M is not exactly pleased with this current circumstance as he has never received that promised paycheck. To encourage said payment, Mr. M has threatened to deliver his two disliked cats, appropriately (or not) named Linda and Marilyn, to Mrs. Ray’s home. We will have to wait and see if the threat has any merit. I really don’t think this will happen, as Mrs. M will not allow the two felines to leave the McDonald home. However, she might contemplate delivering Mr. M to the Ray home if things don’t simmer down. This may or may not be fake news. Just saying.

This week’s Bible verse comes from James 3:13—Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom. NIV

Be sure and like the Pearl Community Center, Texas Facebook page and the Pearl Cottage Bookstore and Resale Shop Facebook page. Please submit any Pearl news to