Sunday, September 29, 2024

CASA of Bell and Coryell counties recognize those who help children in need


Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) of Bell and Coryell counties honored over 140 volunteers who devote their time to work with abused and neglected children in the CPS or foster care system.

The appreciation luncheon was held at the Bell County Museum on Nov. 3.  The event also provided training and information on critical topics that volunteers might be faced with during their service, including child sex trafficking awareness.

CASA volunteer advocates commit 10-15 hours of their time each month to work one-on-one with the children and their families until their cases are resolved. 

Volunteer service awards were presented to more than 40 of the volunteers who attended the lunch.  Volunteers were honored for milestones such as years served, miles traveled, hours logged on casework, and for serving over 300 kids in Bell and Coryell counties.

According to a CASA press release, volunteer advocates have traveled 56,943 miles in the past year to serve their cases and devoted 4,910 hours to their casework.

The event also provided two other special awards to advocates for their efforts during the past year, which were called the Excellence in Court Recommendations and Outstanding Performance on Case Files awards.

In 2023, CASA added 55 new volunteer advocates, including recently swearing in 15 new volunteers on Nov. 2.

The luncheon was sponsored by the Bell County Kappa Alpha Theta Sorority Alumnae.