Thursday, September 26, 2024
Pearl News

Dr. Patterson to speak at fundraiser


The annual Pearl Church of Christ Atchley Fish Fry and Silent Auction benefiting His Kids of Lampasas is Sept. 1. Beginning at 10:30 a. m., the speaker will be Dr. Charles Patterson, former Superintendent of Killeen ISD and a Hamilton native. After the church service, you can enjoy a free fish dinner with all of the trimmings. The auction will begin shortly after lunch. Bidding is now open at the church, so go by and peruse the many, many items and place your bids on the accompanying bid sheets. Your generosity is greatly appreciated as all proceeds go toward scholarships and the summer Christian camp program for the kiddos. Be sure and let your Killeen friends know that Dr. Patterson will be in Pearl that day.  Everyone is invited to attend. Visitors are always welcome at Pearl Church of Christ!

Mrs. Mildred Yeley, of Pearl, recently enjoyed a four-generation family trip to Corpus Christi. Members of the group were Jennifer, Mildred’s daughter from Minnesota, Jennifer’s daughter, Kalyn, and granddaughter, Leaven. The group met Mildred and Steve in Marble Falls. Steve then “handed over the reins,” and the girl crew traveled on to Corpus where they spent a week. Mildred said that they all had a great time, and no one got too badly sunburned. I hope they get to do this for many years to come.

Correction:  I was informed by my dear, dear friend and local Pearl contact that I left out vital information in last week’s Pearl News. She added that I must state that I not only had temporary amnesia, but also temporary insanity. (Well, that’s not true!) Therefore, I humbly apologize for neglecting to add “Fake News” to one of the reports, and that the names in that report were changed to protect the innocent. Well, actually, that’s not exactly true either, but to pacify the affected parties, I’ll go with that…this time. This apology comes under duress, because the consequences of my actions have been threatened with a fate MUCH WORSE than death! Don’t ask. (Note to affected parties: Don’t get your feelings hurt when you don’t see your name(s) in the PN for a while. I’m mud if I do, and mud if I don’t. Y’all are so difficult! There’s no place like Pearl—and that’s not Fake News!)

This week’s Bible verse comes from Jeremiah 32:17— “Ah, Sovereign Lord, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for You.” NIV

Be sure and like the Pearl Community Center, Texas Facebook page, and the Pearl Cottage Bookstore and Resale Shop Facebook page. Please submit any Pearl news to