Saturday, July 27, 2024
Pearl News

Mark your calendars for Pearl Bluegrass


The next Pearl Bluegrass monthly event and Pearl Cottage Bookstore Day is Aug. 3. The officers of the Pearl Community Center Board are Garrett Dickey, President, Chris Ray, Vice-President, Rhonda Dickey, Treasurer, and Connie Long, Secretary. For information on renting the Community Center or RV spaces, contact Connie Long at 254-223-0621. For more information about the Pearl Cottage Bookstore, call Linda Ray at 254-865-9282 or Kay Pruett at 254-865-5864.

The Pearl Community Fellowship Church hosted a “New Chapter” celebration honoring Frances and Armand Clary on Sunday, July 21. More than fifty of Clary’s family members and friends gathered to bless their new adventure in Gatesville. Linda Ray presented the Clarys with a card she created, which denoted some of the facts about their travels to Pearl and back through the years. It is astounding to think that these sweet people traveled over 14,000 miles to get to Pearl Community Fellowship Church since its inception in Feb. 2008. Since the Clarys will now be traveling from Gatesville to church, they will continue to rack up the miles but from a different direction. Everyone wishes Frances and Armand many happy years in their new digs.

Ronald and Linda’s grandson, Riley, will be going to Brownsville to the State TAAF Amateur Athlete Federation in Discus July 25-26.  Congratulations to Riley, and we wish you the very best!

I have had so many reports about how great Kay’s yard looks after all her hard work. She told me that her backyard is like a bird sanctuary. Kay has always had wonderful yards and used beautiful yard art in her décor. She is so talented. Now, I’m not just saying that so that she won’t send a hit man in retaliation for the many crazy stories I tell about her. Between Ron (and you know who you are, dear friend), and Kay, my life is often in jeopardy. Can I help it that Kay’s itsy bitsy, teeny weeny, turquoise greeny, stringy bikini and the Cat Whisperer are news worth telling? Kay has assured me that she is not sending a hatchet man after me … yet. Now Ron, I’m not so sure what his plan is, so I’m steering clear of using any last names in his case. Our Pearl people are so interesting, don’t you think? And, of course, there is no fake news involved, right? Plus, we never bother anybody or get into anybody’s business. (Well, that’s not true, but there’s no place like Pearl!)

This week’s Bible verse comes from Isaiah 55:7—Let the wicked forsake their ways and the unrighteous their thoughts. Let them turn to the Lord, and He will have mercy on them, and to our God, for He will freely pardon. NIV

Be sure and like the Pearl Community Center, Texas Facebook page, and the Pearl Cottage Bookstore and Resale Shop Facebook page. Please submit any Pearl news to