Saturday, August 31, 2024

Recipe of the Week


This recipe appeared in the “Methodist Best” cookbook in 2008. The Gatesville Messenger plans to run a series of recipes from that cookbook. If your church has a cookbook or if you would like to submit your own recipe of a favorite dish for possible publication, please email it to:

Scalloped Potatoes

Dorothy Lovelace

8 med. potatoes                                           2 T. dried onions or ½ minced onions

2 cans cream of mushroom soup             2/3 c. sour cream

¾ c. canned milk                                          ½ c. grated cheese

1 c. skim milk

Par-boil 8 medium potatoes with skins on for 20 minutes. Let it cool enough to peel skins off. Cover the bottom of a Pyrex dish with sliced potatoes and add salt and pepper to taste. Combine and heat cream of mushroom soup, canned milk, skim milk, and onions. Heat until hot in microwave and stir well. Then add sour cream and stir. Pour over potatoes. Dot with butter and black pepper. Cover and bake at 350 for 45 minutes. Sprinkle top with grated cheddar cheese and return to oven without lid to heat for 5 minutes.