Sunday, September 1, 2024

United Women in Faith Meeting held July 9 at First Methodist


United Women in Faith met on July 9, in the Banquet Room of the First Methodist Church in Gatesville, beginning at 5:30 p.m.  Fifteen ladies were present, including one new member, Dena Ridenhour.  Hostesses were Amber Featherston and Linda Klontz.

President Patsy Smart called the meeting to order by leading in the Blessing. During refreshments, Linda Klontz led the group in picking new prayer partners for the month. Following refreshments, President Smart thanked the hostesses and read The Purpose. Mary Beth Bogard read from the Daily Prayer Guide and Velva Riddle read from the Response Magazine. Shirleen Chandler presented the program, Session 5 from our book “Living the Kin-dom,” an exploration of the Lord’s Prayer from Matthew 6, verse 12. The words are, “And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.” Jesus put a high priority on the need to forgive. In our dealings with others, we must remember that we can be forgiven as we are willing to forgive. From the beginning, when Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden, humankind has had a sinful nature. In Genesis, God put man in charge of caring for nature, as he filled the garden with plants and animals. But many have become abusers of nature, and those issues need to be addressed in our world today. Chandler led in singing, “In Christ There Is No East or West”, a song of human kinship.

President Smart called the business meeting to order. Unfinished business included a report by Kathleen Blankemeyer of the upcoming Salad Supper on August 13, beginning at 6 p.m. She reported from the sign-up sheet and requested that salads be brought in by 5 p.m. Blankemeyer will be in charge of decorations, and the meeting will be held in the Family Life Center, due to the large number of guests who will be invited. The women’s singing group Leading Ladies will perform for the entertainment.

Announcements included one from Karen Schmidt that she would take reservations for the upcoming meeting of the Global Methodist Women in Waco until July 13. She is planning for carpooling on that day, Nov. 16. Another announcement concerned donations to the Methodist Children’s Home in Waco; a special giving day is July 11.

Meeting adjourned with the Benediction.