Wednesday, July 3, 2024

April, yard of the month


Keep Gatesville Beautiful's April Yard of the Month goes to First National Bank, located at 3411 East Main St. 

The bank always looks great with its well-designed and well-kept landscape that includes a wide variety of trees, bushes and plants that do well in Central Texas, many of which are natives. The bank's CEO Ronnie Sullins, and Vice President Debbie Evans are featured in the photo. They gave credit to John Capella with Central Texas Landscape and Maintenance for taking such good care of their grounds. Thank you, First National Bank, for helping to keep Gatesville Beautiful! 

For those who are interested, the trees in their landscape are live oak, chinkapin oak, crepe myrtle, red buds, bur oak and Shumard red oak. All, with exception of crepe myrtle, are native to Texas. Also included in their landscape are knock out roses, dwarf yaupon holly, ornamental grasses, lavender cotton, Indian hawthorn, privet, Chinese fringe flower and esperanzas.