Tuesday, July 2, 2024
From My Front Porch

Captain, my Captain … the impact of teachers is amazing


The past couple of weeks I had the opportunity to participate in several end-of-the-year events at local schools. With graduation just around the corner, many schools have events where they honor scholastic accomplishments and recognize students for jobs well done.

It has been more than a few years since I was a student, and I never had the opportunity to teach, but there is something about young people and their accomplishments that warms my heart. One recent event hit my emotions very hard. It was an academic achievement dinner where the top 25 students in the senior class were singled out for their accomplishments. But this dinner had a little twist. Each student was permitted to invite the one teacher who had the biggest impact upon their life and academic progress. As part of the program, each student wrote a short essay identifying their favorite teacher and what the teacher had done which made them special.

Listening to the students’ essays as they were being read was truly heartwarming. They explained the extraordinary efforts the teachers had made to connect with them as students, to push them toward excellence, and to influence the students to become the best version of themselves. One essay seemed to echo another, as the students expressed how their teacher’s impact was bigger than an English or mathematics class. They gave examples of how their relationship transcended the class and taught them about life and how to be a better citizen, student, and human being.

The emotions on full display made it clear the teachers had accomplished no small task. They have impacted lives, changed worlds, and altered the trajectory of a group of young people. They had done everything and anything a student could ask for, and in return, the students were thoughtful enough to recognize the role their teacher had in their success.

My wife taught school for 29 years. One of her favorite students was later hired to teach alongside her in the very same department. The young teacher went from student to valued colleague. A few years later, my wife retired and saw her former student take over as the head of the department. On the night of the dinner I attended, I was thrilled to see this talented young woman. The former student was recognized by a student as one of the special teachers. It was an example of “teaching life” going full circle. For me, it made the night even more special.

I bet as folks read this column, their mind drifts back to their favorite teacher. They will reflect on the classes, the lessons learned, and the impact their teacher had on their development. For a lucky few, they will have had a special educator who not only taught them, but also helped give their life direction and purpose. My guess is the memory made us all smile a little brighter. Remember, it was a teacher who kindled that emotion. It was their impact that made you smile and warmed your heart. Their efforts are never gone, and I hope they will never be forgotten.

Captain, my Captain … look how your seeds have grown.

Thought for the day: Better than a thousand days of diligent study, is one day spent with a great teacher.

Until next time … I will keep ridin’ the storm out!
