Thursday, September 26, 2024

City approves gazebo at Freedom Park


The City of Gatesville will soon receive a new addition to one of its parks.

During a regular meeting on July 23, the Gatesville City Council approved the placement of a gazebo at Freedom Park that will honor the memory of a former community member.

The structure will pay tribute to Ronnie Viss, a member of the Gatesville Exchange Club who died in 2021 at 45 years old. The project is being led by members of the Exchange Club, who worked with the Parks and Recreation Department and Interim City Manager Brad Hunt to choose a location for the gazebo.

The purpose of the gazebo is to not only honor Viss’s contribution to his community, but also provide a scenic addition to one of Gatesville’s parks.

The plan is to place the gazebo in a shaded area near a historic bridge truss at Freedom Park, which can also serve as a space for events or ceremonies that take place at the Gatesville Civic Center.

“(This) affords a very good opportunity, I think, for the community as a community improvement project for photogenic purposes, graduation pictures, family pictures, and then of course we do host quite a few wedding receptions at the civic center as well,” Hunt said.

Viss not only served in the Exchange Club, but also on the city council for eight years, including acting as Mayor Pro Tem during his tenure. He was also involved in several local organizations, including the Boys and Girls Club Advisory board and the Coryell County Child Welfare Board.

Gatesville Parks Director Seth Phillips will work with the Exchange Club on the exact placement and design of the gazebo, which will be created from either wood or metal. The city will then vote to take over the maintenance of the structure once it is complete, Hunt adds.

The city council approved the building of the gazebo during a meeting in December. At the time, the cost of project materials was estimated to be around $8,000. The funding will come from donations via the Exchange Club.

Now that a location has been approved, Exchange Club member Lauren Morrell said the organization will need to continue fund raising for the project before a completion date is set.