Tuesday, July 2, 2024

City considers work at 2006 Bridge Street


Although requested to appear before the Gatesville City Council providing an update every two weeks until work is complete, Josiah Wilson, owner of a house at 2006 Bridge St. that has been declared substandard by the city, did not appear at the April 11 Council meeting.

Wilson did appear before the Council once in March, and the Council opted not to levy any additional fines against him at that time.

"Josiah Wilson sent an email to the mayor (Gary Chumley) and I," said Acting City Manager Bill Parry. "He said he has not met with the new contractor and said he should have the work concluded in 45 days. As you can tell, not a lot has gone on in the last two weeks."

Councilman Greg Casey said he had seen "a couple of trucks at the house."

"It appears the new contractor has a sign in the yard," Chumley said. "I think we revisit it again in two weeks and look at the report."

Mayor Pro Tem asked, "What if this continues?"

"We fine him," Chumley said.

"I say every two weeks there should be a sign of progress," said Councilwoman Barbara Burrow.

Parry said he would notify Wilson that the council wants him to appear before them and provide an update at the April 25 meeting.

"Do we know what happened to the last fine?" Rainer asked.

Parry said Wilson has requested a jury trial on the issue, and that the city judge will be the one who imposes the fine, which can be for up to $500.

"I can let him know if there's not significant progress made in another two weeks (from April 11), another fine could be imposed," Parry said.

Rainer expressed concerns that Wilson might not be devoting enough time to getting things resolved.

"I don't know if he takes us very seriously, that's all," she said. "I hope we don't allow it to go on for another year and a half."