Tuesday, July 2, 2024

City responds to TNMP rate request


The Gatesville City Council voted to deny a distribution cost recovery factor rate request by Texas-New Mexico Power Company, and authorized Herrera Law Firm & Associates to represent the city's interests in this manner before the Public Utilities Commission.

The action was taken during the April 25 meeting of the Council.

"They are attempting to recover some of their capital investment costs of about $14.8 million," Interim City Manager Bill Parry said. "What we don't know is how it will impact electric bills in the city of Gatesville. This will go before the Texas Utilities Commission.

"Why this is importantĀ for you is if Texas-New Mexico power passes the cost along, other providers will pass the cost along and electric bills will go up."

City action on the matter was required by JuneĀ 4.

"This would essentially suspend their request for a 90-day period to have Herrera & Associates represent the city before the Utilities Commission," Parry said.

The Council unanimously approved the measure.