Tuesday, July 2, 2024

County leaders discuss cost savings for Leon Street Annex


County leaders are seeking ways to reduce the budget of the proposed Leon Street Annex, which is scheduled to house some of the county's justice of the peace offices as well as the 440th district court.

County Judge Roger Miller said he would like to address specific ways to cut costs, while Commissioner Kyle Matthews said he thought it was too early to do that.

"I have visited with Mr. (Jeff) Heffelfinger (the architect on the project) and I think we're premature on telling the architect to scale back without going through the entire plan short of cutting and entire department," he said. "I think that would be very difficult."

Basham said the old justices of the peace facility has already been slated for demolition, adding, "I agree, we need to see the whole view of it."

Miller said he understood those views, but added, "from my standpoint, I'm not in the construction world. I would like to glean from Mr. Heffelfinger what would be some cost reduction measures. What would be some of the most probable ways to do that.

"We don't have the money right now. I'm not saying we modify the design at this point. We're dealing with an unknown before we get the GMP (guaranteed maximum price). If y'all want to wait, I'm not here to force it. I'm looking for (Heffelfinger) to give us some guidance."

Matthews said "it's very difficult to cut (without a finished plan in place). In theory it's great - we do need to have the discussion. I'll reach out to him and see where we can save some money again."

Miller said he believes it is important to look at those options.

"I'd like to see it," he said. "I think it has to be factored in. With the jail I thought we had some pretty accurate numbers, and that number (the guaranteed maximum price) didn't come near as close."

Matthews said pinning down exact figures early in the process can be difficult.

"The construction world changes daily, unfortunately," he said.

County Attorney Brandon Belt said he sent an email to Heffelfinger asking him to show the commissioners court "any opportunity to save money on the Leon Street Annex."