Wednesday, July 3, 2024

CRSP to meet Sept. 22


The first meeting of CRSP (Coryell Retired School Personnel) for this year will be on Thursday, Sept. 22 at 5:30 p.m. at Eastwood Baptist Church.

The social time will start at 5:30 p.m. During this time, members may pay dues to the treasurer, Anne Byrom. Dues are $45, which includes $10 for local dues and $35 for state dues. Members may also pick up their yearbook for the 2022-2023 school year.

This meeting will be an “indoor picnic” or “potluck supper.” Coffee and tea will be provided. Members are asked to provide main dishes, meats, casseroles, salads, vegetables, fruit dishes and desserts. The meal will begin about 6 p.m. 


After dinner, Dr. Barrett Pollard will address the group briefly followed by a short business meeting. The chapter’s theme is “Cruisin’ Back.” As you will discover, the leaders have already been very busy, making plans to accomplish many projects this year. Officers and committee chairmen have already met during the summer to launch plans this coming year. Some of the members will have attended a District XII leadership conference in Waco on Sept. 20. And by the way, the new District President is their own JoAnn Sugg.


All members are encouraged to come, bring your spouses, and bring retirees who are not yet members. Come see old friends, meet new members, and encourage others to join. They would love for you to be a part of what they do! Each year, among other things, they provide two scholarships to graduating seniors planning to major in the field of education. They provide between 1,500 and 2,400 free books to children ages 12 and under at no charge and donate over 30,000 volunteer hours to help out their community. Please come, and please consider joining their chapter. You can make a difference.

Lastly, before leaving, they will hand out lots of door prizes.


For more information, contact Marsha Lee at 254-865-2030 or 254-216-1677.