Tuesday, July 2, 2024

DEAR FRANKIE Beware the pitfalls of online doggie dating



Beware the pitfalls of online doggie dating


Frankie is a rescue dog and emotional support animal for Geneva Woodruff. Woodruff is a retired educator.

Dear Frankie

It seems that wherever I go, I see canine couples. On the rare occasion when I’m down, I think about those couples and wish I had a special canine in my life. The options for me to meet anyone are limited. There are a few dogs at the park that I would consider dating. However, none of them are available or interested. By any chance, do you know of any doggie dating sites?



Dear Louise,

I don’t know of any doggie dating sites. I asked my friend Henry, a computer whiz, to do a search.

Would I be correct to assume you discussed your interest in online dating with your parents? If so, have they given you their permission to sign up.

I trust you have addressed the time it will take for them to transport you to and from your dates.

Dating today is not like it was in the old days. You can’t assume the guy will agree to meet you in your neighborhood.

It’s not uncommon for a guy to suggest you meet him halfway and split the bill for any expenses incurred.

Safety is another issue. How are your street skills? Can you recognize a con or a player? If you don’t know what I’m talking about, maybe online dating isn’t for you.

In the event you find a site, I wish you the best of luck in finding the canine of your dreams.

