Tuesday, July 2, 2024

DEAR FRANKIE Home alone and scared


Dear Frankie,

I always thought humans were overly dramatic when they said they were "overwhelmed." That is until it happened to me.

Several weeks ago, my mom went grocery shopping. Usually, she leaves around 8 a.m. and comes home around 11 a.m. I started to get nervous when she wasn't back by 1 p.m., and by 7 p.m., I was hysterical. I knew something terrible had happened to her. I barked all night to notify our neighbors, but they didn't hear me.

Finally, in the morning, my mom's friend showed up. She told me my mom had been in a car accident, was in the hospital with a head injury, and couldn't talk. I asked, "Why didn't you come yesterday? She said, "I was at my cabin, and the phone doesn't work there. So, I just got the message about your mom this morning when I got home."

Frankie, isn't there something the dog parents can do to prevent this from happening to other dogs?



Dear Piper,

What a terrible ordeal. I'm so sorry you were alone and frightened for such a long time.

I know what you mean about the humans saying every little thing overwhelms them, like when they can't find their keys or drop a gallon of juice on the floor. Are these events a pain in the neck, sure, but overwhelming? Come on.

Your experience, however, was an overwhelming one. Yes, dog parents can do something to prevent this from happening to their dogs. My mom keeps an emergency card in the glove compartment. The card says, "In case of an accident, I have a dog who is home alone; her name is Frankie. Here is my home address and the names and contact information for friends to be notified in an emergency. Please note that the card provides two names, so if one can't be contacted, like your mom's friend, there is a backup person.

I am very impressed that you took the time to write about your experience. I'm sure it will motivate dog parents to make an emergency card for their car and ease dogs' minds when they are home alone.

Thanks for writing in Piper and bringing attention to a serious issue that fortunately has a ready solution.

