Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Drought causing stress on trees


According to the Texas A&M Forest Service, with extreme heat and little rainfall across much of the state, our trees are missing an important survival input – water. Trees generate their own food through photosynthesis and one of the key components of photosynthesis is water. Water is necessary for the chemical reactions that create sugars, it’s also necessary to help move the needed materials around in the tree and finally, to utilize those materials.

Without water, a tree cannot generate sugars and cannot utilize those sugars – a necessary part for the entire process of tree growth. When this happens, trees will start to show physical symptoms of the lack of nutrients. While these symptoms can vary from species to species, most trees will begin to show signs of water stress through their leaves.

The things to look for on your tree are leaves dropping or wilting, small or malformed leaves, yellowing of the leaves and browning tips of the leaves. Some species, like junipers, may totally brown out, losing all of their leaves.

Just because leaves begin to fall from your tree, does not mean the tree is dead. For small trees, you can simply use your thumb nail and scrape some of the smaller twigs. If there is still green underneath, the tree is not dead. Within a few weeks, it may leaf back out. If you are concerned your tree is dead, contact a certified arborist for a professional opinion.

Learn what to watch for and how to take care of your tree during a drought here: