Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Finding peace, joy and contentment at Christmas


I am sitting down with Lu and writing what may or may not be our last version of Jeff's Reflections and Lu's Views for 2022.

It's been so long since we have written one of these, but with the holiday season upon us - Christmas in just a few days and New Year's Eve only 10 days away — it seems appropriate to stop and reflect — and offer some of Lu's views, too.

It's that wild, hectic time of year in which many of us work hard to make sure we have the perfect gifts purchased, or the perfect gathering or parties planned, or any number of other things that distract or hammer away at us until the joy of the season seems an elusive dream that we will only realize at the end — like a classic Christmas movie.

I found myself becoming frustrated on a recent evening that the selections I had to look through at a store were definitely not close to what I wanted to purchase for family members on Christmas. I remember thinking that so many of the things on display seemed like the leftovers that no one wanted — and maybe that was the case.

After all, there were reports earlier this year that many retail chains were cutting back on their purchases of items because they were anticipating a less than stellar Christmas shopping season. I can remember in the not-too-distant past - or even back in the 1990s when I would sometimes wait until Christmas Eve to go on a last-minute shopping spree — the selection of goods and the sales seemed to be so much better.

I guess I should have gotten with the program and started ordering most of my gifts online — the week after Thanksgiving at the latest — to avoid putting myself in this situation. Old habits can die hard, but the frustration of spending time seeking and not finding can certainly give you a jumpstart in creating new habits.

After further reflection, I realized that the hectic hustle and bustle, the frantic shopping, are not really what I want to focus on this Christmas. Just being able to spend time with family and friends, to be thankful for the birth of a Savior who changed the world and offers an everlasting and priceless gift and slowing down to focus on the good things — that's what I want to highlight this Christmas.

What about you, Lu?

Tallulah: I am really thankful that I don't have to worry about all the things you people worry about. I can just sit back and enjoy life as it unfolds — snacking, taking walks, growling at cats that have the audacity to saunter into my yard — those are the things that I enjoy.

I am also really looking forward to seeing our family in South Texas — people, dogs and yes, I suppose even Sassy cat. I am glad you are the one who has to worry about all that shopping, driving and the stress that goes with it.

I am also thankful that you want to focus more on the good stuff instead of letting the stress of the season get to you. You may or may not realize it, but that affects me, too. When you are happy and carefree — or as carefree as possible — I enjoy life more, too. Your mood and what you allow yourself to focus on has a big impact on me — and others, too.

Jeff: That's a great point, Tallulah. It can become so easy to be narrowly focused that you don't really see or understand the impact you are having on those that you care about — and those who care about you.

Tallulah: That's OK. It's better to realize it now than not at all. There are so many things I am looking forward to. I don't really understand all the hustle and bustle, but it seems that it has to be a part of Christmas — at least for people.

I am not looking forward to the four-hour car rides, but I am happy when we visit our family and also once we get back home.

Jeff: Is there anything in particular you want for Christmas, Lu?

Lu: How about a box of T-bone steaks and a dinosaur sized bone to nibble on?

Jeff: Uhhh ...

Lu: I am kidding! Whatever you want to give me is always great with me. I just like spending time with you and enjoying the snacks you give me.

Jeff: You are actually one of the easier ones on my list to shop for.

Lu: Well, while you're at it you can buy something you enjoy and say that it's from me.

Jeff: Thanks, Lu, but that's silly! Just being able to spend time with you is nice. I am looking forward to a great Christmas when all the pre-holiday scrambling is finished.

Lu: Me too!

Jeff: To all our readers, Merry Christmas, and we hope that 2023 is a great year for each of you.

Lu: And don't forget to spend a little extra time with your favorite dog, cat or other pet. We enjoy Christmas togetherness, too!