Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Fish fry benefit held for community member battling cancer


After her sister-in-law, Jessica Blanchard, was recently diagnosed with stage 4 oral cancer, Karen George knew she wanted to help.

Following her diagnosis, Blanchard underwent extensive surgery to remove the cancer from her mouth, tongue, and chin bone. George, along with other members of Blanchard’s family, friends, and the Gatesville community, came together on Sunday, May 19, to hold a benefit and silent auction for Blanchard at the Texas Station Event Center.

“They are facing some expensive hospital stays, extensive surgery that included lots of reconstruction of her tongue, floor of mouth, and chin,” George said. “Their insurance is telling them all of this is out of network. Our other sister-in-law, Linda Blanchard, Jessica’s daughter-in-law, Tami Blanchard, and myself, started calling people to help with a benefit, and it just grew. Friend after friend, family members, and people we didn’t even know came together and helped make this a huge success.”

Dozens showed up at Texas Station to support Blanchard, from close family and friends to strangers. The benefit included a fish fry, bake sale, silent auction, live auction, and live music by local musician Ed Leonard.

George adds that the highlight of the benefit was the fish fry, where Blanchard’s best friends came together and served over 250 plates of fish.

“I was totally blown away,” Blanchard said. “It was very humbling to see this community show up for us. There were friends, along with friends of friends, who showed up for us, and some we did not know.”  

The money generated from the benefit will help Blanchard and her family with the costly medical expenses following her surgery, where she spent around 19 days in the hospital.  

“It helped not only to pick me up personally, cause cancer is a downer for sure, and going through a 21-hour surgery was really hard not only physically but mentally,” Blanchard said.  

Both Blanchard and George appreciate everyone in the Gatesville community who came out to the fish fry benefit.

“We are very thankful,” Blanchard said. “Grateful for everyone’s generosity in this awesome town. Thankful for those who put this together and helped with the benefit. We are very, very blessed.”

“Gatesville is a wonderful community with beautiful people,” George said. “We, as a family, want to thank everyone that was involved…May God bless you!”