Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Foot doctor talks about common ailments


Feet are a crucial foundation of the body's ability to move and stand, and addressing people's foot aches, pains and concerns is the primary emphasis of Dr. James Townson, a podiatrist with Coryell Health in Gatesville.

During a Jan. 12 meeting of the Gatesville Exchange Club, Townson talked about common foot ailments, how to prevent them, and ways to address those problems.

One of the most common issues people experience when encountering foot pain is plantar fasciitis, an inflammation of a foot ligament that stretches from the heel to the toes. 

Townson said pain from this ailment is most common in the morning, after the foot has been at rest overnight and then stress is placed on the foot when people first arise.

"The number one thing you can do is to stretch the calf muscle," Townson said. "That will treat and actually prevent plantar fasciitis."

He said orthotics can provide relief, as well as anti-inflammatory medicine such as ibuprofen, or in more painful cases, injections from a physician.

In some instances, surgery is an option to correct the condition.

Achilles tendonitis is another common issue for people experiencing foot pain. The Achilles tendon is the biggest tendon in the body, Townson said.

Hiking up hills and repetitive jumping are two things that can lead to Achilles tendonitis.

"Hands down, the number one way to prevent Achilles tendonitis and plantar fasciitis is stretching exercises," Townson said.

Videos showing different exercises are available online, including ones endorsed by the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons.

Another condition that commonly causes pain is flat feet. In some cases, having flat feet is a congenital condition that people inherit and are born with. In other cases, a person's arches may fall later in life, causing pain.

"Many people have flat feet and aren't in any pain," Townson said. "If it's not painful you don't have to do anything for it. Just wear comfortable shoes that offer good support.

However, for those who do have arches, a tendon can give out causing arches to collapse, resulting in varying degrees of pain.

Treatment can be through orthotics, but many of the cheaper, over-the-counter orthotics are ineffective. Custom orthotics can cost about $450 and are much more effective. A podiatrist can measure a person's feet using electronic 3D imaging and send the measurements to the company manufacturing the orthotics.

Physical therapy can also help, and in some cases, surgery might be an option.

Bunions, bumps on the side of the feet at the base of the toes, are another concern, but if they are not causing a person pain, surgery is not required. The condition can be treated with padding, wider shoes or orthotics.

In addition to stretching exercises, healthcare providers often recommend giving feet plenty of rest, and if pain continues or worsens, to make an appointment to determine the best way to reduce the problem.