Wednesday, July 3, 2024

FROM MY FRONT PORCH Renaming my column would not be enough




Renaming my column would not be enough



Sam Houston is the publisher of the Hood County News. He is also an actor, author, playwright, performer and entertainment producer/promoter.


Originally, the name of my column was carefully selected to give the reader a mental image of someone sitting on their front porch and visiting with friends. I hoped it to be a forum where neighborly discussions could take place and whether it be a message, a story, or an anecdote, the reader would feel engaged. With this edition of the Newspaper, we celebrate Veterans Day and as I take keyboard in hand, I feel like the name of this column for today should be “My Bended Knees.”

I suggest “bended knees” because each one of us should get down on our knees and be thankful for the service each one of our military veterans has performed in the name of our country. As hard as I try to imagine the deprivation at Valley Forge, the mud at Verdun, the cold at the Chosin Reservoir, and the absolute carnage at Gettysburg, I know I cannot truly comprehend the depth of how our men and women in uniform have sacrificed. Without being there, how could I possibly “know” the black volcanic ash of Iwo Jima, the deep blue waters of the Coral Sea, or the sound of shells as they landed at Khe Sahn?

From Bunker Hill to Baghdad, our veterans have fought, suffered and endured so our flag might still wave and so all of us could be free. Pitifully, I think we sometimes take that freedom and their sacrifice for granted. The veterans have done such a good job of protecting us that many feel impervious to what fortunes might have been at Shiloh, Guadalcanal, or on D-Day. How except for the bravery and sacrifice of a few, the history of the world might have shifted in an unimaginable way. Without a doubt, our country would not still be standing if not for the vigilance and dedication of our vets.

I think many times when discussing vets, the public focuses only on the men and women who served on the battlefield, but the reality is that many vets never see combat. This does not in any way minimize their contribution. No matter their assignment, all of our vets serve vital roles and need to be appreciated, supported and thanked.

I was turned down for military service. I would have gone if I had been accepted. My father served, as did my uncles and nephew. I will always feel somewhat unfulfilled that I did not serve my turn, but it was not meant to be. I love my country and what she stands for. It is why there is a tear in my eye as I write this column. The emotion and depth of my appreciation for our veterans is overwhelming.

Please enjoy our special veterans section. It makes me very proud to be a part of an organization that wanted to create a veteran’s tribute and give all of us the chance to say, “Thank you.”

God bless each one of you veterans and please accept our eternal thanks and appreciation.

Thought for the day: “Never was so much owed by so many to so few” — Winston Churchill.

Until next time. | 817-573-7066, ext. 260