Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Gatesville native returns for signing of her newly released book


“The Never-Ending Boob Job” gives readers an inside look on Williams’ journey with battling breast cancer. The book provides a raw account of the physical, emotional, and mental aspects of the disease.

Williams was diagnosed with Triple Negative Breast Cancer in July 2013.

“Having cancer was an eye opener for me since no one in my family had cancer before, nor any of my friends, so it was difficult to navigate at first,” she said. “Also, I have a very quirky sense of humor and decided that I had to use it to get through my days.”

During the summer of 2015, Williams began writing “The Never-Ending Boob Job” in her spare time, and it was later published in 2022.

Not only does Williams write, but she is also an Equal Opportunity and Diversity Investigator for the Department of Defense.

“Writing is something I like to do in my limited free time, because I need a creative outlet - the job can be quite dry,” she said.

Williams expressed that she needed a way to show her feelings and thoughts to go through her journey with cancer.

“I believe that everyone’s journey with an illness is different, however, I thought it would be good to tell my story for others,” she said. “The patient must find their own way of dealing with their illness and take their journey as they decide to. No one can take it for them.”

She hopes that her readers will relate to something in her chapters and know that they are not alone.

Throughout her writing career, she has written an autobiography under a pseudonym. She also plans to publish another book in the future based on her grandmother’s life.

“My job keeps my days filled and busy, but I do plan on retiring from the federal service in the next few years to pursue research and writing more as well as to spend time with my 12 grandchildren,” she said.

Williams has also established a small online business called The Scrappy Grammy, which specializes in curating cancer gift boxes which contain her book, “The Never-Ending Boob Job.”