Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Good job, Messenger


I felt as an avid reader of The Gatesville Messenger I needed to compliment the pictures and articles about the sports you are including in your paper! They certainly include many events and students who are participating, and their successes. 

Everyone likes to read about and see their special loved ones who are training and working so hard to succeed, and I am no different. 

Of course, when I sign this, you know my special event is tennis. I will give a thumbs up to Coach Jones, Justin and Marla Tatum, Sam and Se’vette Early, Glen Vernon and wife Sue for their coaching and encouragement to this sport for the last four years. Hooray to Shy Tatum, Stormy Tatum, Slone Early, Ty Warren, Alex Scott, Ally Nichols, and Cousin Callie Smith for their efforts to encourage participation in this tennis sport. To Se’vette Early and David Scott thanks for your pictures and articles. 


Sandra Tatum 
