Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Governor Abbott recognizes importance of Coryell County Courthouse


The Coryell County Historical Commission recently received an official certificate of recognition from Texas Governor Greg Abbott, in honor of the 125th anniversary of the courthouse.

After receiving a formal invitation to attend the celebration, Governor Abbott quickly responded by sending his thoughts about the historic structure.

“It remains a focal point of the region’s cultural landscape. Although much has changed since 1898, the community essence has not, and this beautiful building reminds contemporary citizens of Coryell County that they are part of a proud tradition that spans centuries,” Abbott said.

In speaking about Coryell County, Abbott continued “Blessed with a rich past and prosperous present, Coryell County has played a significant role in the larger story of Texas and her people, but I have full faith that its best days are yet to come.”

He continued, “This milestone anniversary provides just cause for celebration, and as you reflect upon your illustrious heritage, know that Texas celebrates with you.”

Governor Abbott concluded by saying “First Lady Cecilia Abbott joins me in encouraging the people of Coryell County to observe this occasion with benefiting ceremonies and activities.”