Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Highlighting lessons from a dog


Positive lessons learned from her dog was the focus of Randi Wilde's recent presentation to the Gatesville Lions Club.

Wilde, who serves as First Vice District Governor for the Lions, said her dog Chili Bo, a dachshund, was a great teacher in many ways.

"I learned a lot from him," she said. "Not only was he a best friend, he was a powerful teacher, loving and generous."

One of the key lessons Chili Bo taught her was to live in the moment. While people are often preoccupied about what has happened in the past or what may happen in the future, she said her dog's attention was firmly rooted in what was happening at the time.

"It helped teach me to live for the moment and enjoy the day," Wilde said.

Another thing she learned from Chili Bo is to find peace in accepting the ways things are.

"I discovered that life could be easier if I'd learn to accept what comes our way," Wilde said, noting that people often get stressed and fret over things, many of which cannot be changed.

"I also learned it's important to be happy go lucky — which was the way he always was" rather than to become preoccupied by life's imperfections.

Another trait of Chili Bo was to share his love selflessly, and Wilde said that is something she also sees displayed in volunteer organizations such as the Lions Club, which work to help serve the community and make it a better place.

"He also taught me the importance of living in harmony with nature and with others," Wilde said.

She then quoted American author Agnes Sligh Turnbull, who said, "Dogs' lives are too short. Their only fault, really."

Wilde also applauded the efforts of the Gatesville Lions, an organization founded in the 1930s.

"What wonderful contributions you have made to the community," she said, noting the club had served more than 1,700 hours and helped more than 250 people locally so far in the club year, which still has six months remaining.