Wednesday, July 3, 2024

I Spooked Dave Scott


Dave told my daughter, Se’Vette Early, that the day he typed my story “The Buzzard” for the paper, he went home and there on a post sat a buzzard! He said the whole time he was typing he was thinking “what a disaster!” – then he was kinda spooked at his own home the same day!

Oh Dave, I’m sorry and I do hope my story didn’t spook too many others. Maybe I should have titled it ‘Beware of Buzzards’!

It is May now and they have mostly departed from my place, thank goodness! I don’t get around well at all because of my fall that ended up with a bad knee and shoulder. I’m always telling everyone that when the buzzards fly around and over my house that I hope it isn’t because I get around so slow – they are just waiting for me to fall, etc. LOL