Wednesday, July 3, 2024

KGB Yard of the Month


Keep Gatesville Beautiful chose Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church as their September Yard of the Month winner. 

Harry and Debbie Grmela, volunteers and members of OLOL, landscaped the church property with Texas Natives and Texas Superstar plants and flowers including Lantana, pink and purple Skullcap, Dwarf Esperanza, Dwarf Santolina, Pride of Barbados, Rock Rose, Rock Daisy, Lambs Ear, Lariope, Dwarf Yaupon Holly, Red Slavia, Asparagus Fern and Potato Vine.  T

hese hardy plants withstood the scorching sumer heat and the deer and blooms were on full display most of the summer. Texas Natives and TX Superstars are drought tolerant but need some watering when rain is scarce.  Harry said he was watering around once every two weeks this summer. 

Many of the blooms out front are now in their rest cycle but Debbie expects them to show their colors again soon. The back parking lot islands have a variety of colorful plants that are in full bloom.  Shown in the photo are the Pastor Fr Jayaraju Polisetty (Fr Jay),  Arturo Chavez, Debbie Grmela, and Harry Grmela. Arturo, also a church volunteer, keeps the lawn mowed.