Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Letter to the Editor


I had never seen a total solar eclipse when one crossed through my hometown in 2017. Even when thousands of people started flocking to our rural patch of prairie from all over the world (sound familiar?), I just knew it was over-hyped.

It wasn’t.

I went from not being sure I would cross the street to watch one to spending significant time and resources creating a “stellar” children’s picture book about it, so parents like me and kids like mine wouldn’t miss one of nature’s greatest shows in their own backyard.

I'm looking forward to visiting your community and reading my book for you at the BLOCK (out the sun) PARTY! on April 6th.

I hope to see you there, but if I don't, please take it from a former skeptic: A total solar eclipse is totally worth the hype.

Here’s to clear skies on April 8.

Jayme Sandberg

Lincoln, Nebraska