Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Letter to the Editor


This is to address the deplorable situation in Gatesville with our primary internet provider, CenturyLink.

A new company, Brightspeed, has purchased part of CenturyLink to handle the internet. Since that has occurred, everyone we have spoken with that is using CenturyLink for their internet and email has major issues. The upload speed at our home is .07 which is almost non-existent. The internet continues to go in and out, it has messed up emails to a point that it is almost unusable, and you cannot find anyone to talk to. Brightspeed answers the phone but the technicians that came to our home this past Monday told us they only deal with internet, not email. When we call CenturyLink, they immediately transfer you to Brightspeed, which has no help at all.

The City of Gatesville needs to do something about this immediately! We have spoken to the City Manager’s office and they are experiencing the same issues we are. We have spoken to repair people who have multiple customers experiencing these same issues, yet the City of Gatesville is doing nothing to resolve this problem or find us all another provider.

There are funds that have been designated for rural internet service, but where are those funds, and why can’t our city leaders access those funds, or demand or even encourage those dollars be spent right here in Coryell County, specifically Gatesville.

If you are experiencing these issues, call the city leaders and demand action. Lots of voices speak much louder than just ours.

Don and Marcia Strieber
