Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Methodist churches consider next steps


Methodist church congregations statewide and nationwide – including those in Coryell County – are in the midst of deciding whether to disaffiliate from the United Methodist Church and affiliate with the newly formed Global Methodist Church or another option.

After a series of meetings focusing on the issue, members of the Gatesville Methodist Church are scheduled to vote on the matter at 6 p.m, Sunday, Aug. 14. Members of the Pidcoke Methodist Church will make that same decision at 4 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 14.

The following information was posted on the Pidcoke church's website:

"Following the continued postponement of the 2020 General Conference of the United Methodist Church on March 3, 2022 and continued failure to address the Protocol for Reconciliation and Grace through Separation, the Global Methodist Church announced that it would begin on May 1, 2022. Due to these developments, the Board of Governors for Pidcoke United Methodist Church voted unanimously to submit a letter of disaffiliation from the Central Texas Conference of the United Methodist Church. This letter was submitted as required on March 27, 2022.

"The next step is to conduct a vote of the membership of the church at a called Church Conference.... With a minimum 2/3 vote of the professing membership present at the called Church Conference favoring disaffiliation, Pidcoke would move one step closer to no longer being part of the United Methodist Church. The results of the process would be to affiliate with the Global Methodist Church should the resolution pass.

"If you are currently a professing member of Pidcoke UMC, please be present for this important vote. If you require additional information regarding this process or the reason behind these actions, please contact a member of the Governing Board or Pastor Bill Jones. "

Gatesville FUMC Pastor Stephen Schmidt was scheduled to have an Aug. 7 meeting at the church to talk about the disaffiliation decision.

Schmidt noted that on Aug. 14, voting on the issue will be limited to "only those who are professing members of our congregation - full members who are present and voting. There can be no proxy vote by virtue of the Book of Discipline."

Those who want more information about reasons for both disaffiliation and continued affiliation with the United Methodist Church can view a series of videos posted on the Gatesville First United Methodist Church Facebook page.