Wednesday, July 3, 2024

National Grandparents Day to be celebrated September 10


Grandparents are cherished year-round but there is one specific day out of each year that our grandparents are to be celebrated. National Grandparents Day will be nationally celebrated on Sunday, September 10.

National Grandparents Day is rooted in the work of Marian McQuade, founder of National Grandparents Day.

In 1970, McQuade began a campaign to establish a day of recognition for grandparents around the nation. Diligently, she contacted civic, business, faith, and political leaders to begin a statewide campaign for National Grandparents Day.

In 1973, in McQuade’s home state of West Virginia, the first National Grandparents Day was proclaimed by Governor Arch Moore.

As McQuade’s work came to its climax in 1978, the United States Congress passed legislation proclaiming the first Sunday after each Labor Day as National Grandparents Day. President Jimmy Carter signed a presidential proclamation to begin the observation of this special holiday.

To celebrate the national holiday, there are various ways to make your grandparents feel grand, such as:

-          Send a card with a handwritten letter, it holds sentimental value.

-          Give your grandparents a homemade gift or drawing.

-          Visit your grandparents in person, because even a few hours mean a lot.

-          Write a poem which can be silly or sentimental, this can be kept forever.

-          Hold a luncheon or dinner in honor of your grandparents.

-          Cook a family recipe for your grandparents to reminisce on special memories.

To find out more information on National Grandparents Day and how to celebrate visit