Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Northwest dome of the courthouse now waterproof


Last Sunday afternoon, workers from A*R*C*Hitexture Roof Coatings finished giving the northwest dome another coat of Omni-Clad, which is a polyurethane coating which provides seamless waterproofing.

Concerned that the color of the newly restored dome would match the remaining three domes, the Omni-Clad coating was described as “terra cotta” in color and appears to be a perfect match.

After the dome and the surrounding base were repaired, the dome was coated with four coats of a neoprene base, which is black and known as PermaLastic Plus, a rubber-based sealant.

While repair work was being done on the dome and after the sealant was applied, rain began to fall in Gatesville. That was the best opportunity for the roofing company and county officials to examine the attic of the courthouse to make sure the sealant was doing the trick and water wasn’t leaking in the building. The repair work was deemed to be a success.