Saturday, July 27, 2024
Pearl News

Pearl Community Center's quarterly meeting is July 22


The Pearl Community Center Board quarterly meeting will be held July 22, with the fourth quarterly meeting being held on Oct. 28, at the Pearl Community Center. Both meetings of the Pearl Community Center Board will be at 6:30 p.m. All are invited to attend.

The next Pearl Bluegrass and Pearl Cottage Bookstore Day is August 3. The officers of the Pearl Community Center Board are Garrett Dickey, President, Chris Ray, Vice-President, Rhonda Dickey, Treasurer, and Connie Long, Secretary. For information on renting the Community Center or RV spaces, contact Connie Long at 254-223—0621. For more information about the Pearl Cottage Bookstore, call Linda Ray at 254-865-9282 or Kay Pruett at 254-865-5864.

Books about Pearl now available at the Pearl Cottage Bookstore are: The Gasoway Cabin, $12; The 1955 Pearl Dragon annual, $10; The Pearl Cemetery Book, $10; The Houses of Pearl, $15; and The Pleasure and Profit Club, $15. Of course, there are always over 6,000 used books available (in excellent condition) for “buy what you want, pay what you want.” You can also find various and sundry other items available for purchase at that same price. All proceeds go toward local charities.

In other news: You’ll never guess what just turned up in Kay Pruett’s yard. If you guessed an itsy bitsy, teeny weeny, turquoise greeny, stringy bikini, then you are exactly right. Now, is this a coincidence since Kay has been tending her yard in the sweltering July heat? Many do not think so. If you recall, that edgy apparel had gone missing many months ago, and no one could explain its absence. Some have suspected that it “expired” during the spring floods. Others have wondered if it had been abducted. Still, more poor souls guessed that a certain party had it hidden away for such a time as this. Although no one has actually witnessed the wandering wardrobe on any persons of interest, one person of interest who shall remain anonymous is the most likely possessor of said awful attire due to an aggravating factor. After all, it is hot! And yard work must be done. You may draw your own conclusions, but I know for a fact how “attached” one certain person was to those darned duds. I also know that my name may now be “mud” or worse, if you know K. P. That’s the way it is when your hometown is Pearl, and there’s no place like it!

This week’s Bible verse comes Proverbs 17:22—A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. ESV

Be sure and like the Pearl Community Center, Texas Facebook page, and the Pearl Cottage Bookstore and Resale Shop Facebook page. Please submit any Pearl news to