Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Pearl News


Pearl News

By Betsy Clark

August 26, 2023 (Happy 29th birthday, Linda Ray!)

The bid items and sheets are out at the Pearl Church of Christ for the annual Atchley Fish Fry and Silent Auction happening on Sept. 3. Linda has worked very hard the past few weeks in getting things ready, and she says to tell everyone to feel free to drop by to peruse the plethora of auction items and make those generous bids! All proceeds benefit “His Kids” in Lampasas, a Christian youth organization started by Richard Williams, aka Big R, over thirty years ago. Big R passed away several years ago, but many of the original “His Kids” make sure that this ministry is alive and well today. Big R strived to share the love of Jesus wherever he went, and he especially wanted all children to know that God loves them! There is so much anyone at Pearl Church of Christ could tell you about Richard Williams, a DPS trooper and a giant of man with a heart as big as he was. Big R always tried to meet not only their spiritual needs, but also their physical needs, such as food, clothing - even music lessons, etc.  Even now when the kids meet, they have a meal and a Bible Study. The monies also ensure that the kids can go to a Christian Camp every summer. Big R would be so happy to know that “His Kids” continues and hopefully will for many more years to come!

The next Pearl Cottage Bookstore and Bluegrass event is Sept. 9. The Pearl Church of Christ will have their 128th Homecoming and Reunion. Church begins at 10:30 a.m., and dinner on the ground will follow. Everyone is invited to all these Pearl events!

Linda Ray got a strange phone call this week. Apparently, Mrs. McDonald (we’ll call her MM, as discretion is required when speaking of the terrible two-piece) wanted to know if she still had the bikini at the bookstore. Now, remember how hot it has been and will be in the foreseeable future, and remember the description of the teeny weeny, turquoise greeny, stringy bikini. The only people that we know that can fit into the atrocious attire would be MM, MR, and KP (you know who you are!). Come to think of it, Linda said she heard a huge thud when MM asked about the scandalous suit. Could that have been Mr. MM as he hit the floor when he overheard that question? Could it be that he is wondering who will gain possession of those terrible togs? There could be a big bruhaha brewing in Pearl over the taboo attire. Let me know if you should happen to see a very tiny lady running around in Pearl in a teeny weeny, turquoise greeny, stringy bikini!  I can’t wait to see what happens next!

This week’s Bible verse comes from 2 Timothy 2:15: “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” AKJV

Please pray for rain and cooler weather, our country, and our schools!

Be sure and like the Pearl Community Center, Texas Facebook page and the Pearl Cottage Bookstore and Resale Shop Facebook page! Please submit any Pearl news to betsyclark47@yahoo.com.