Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Pearl News


The next Pearl Bluegrass and Pearl Cottage Bookstore day will be Sept. 9 (it’s always the second Saturday in September due to a long-standing first Saturday family reunion); the Pearl Church of Christ Atchley Fish Fry and Silent Auction for His Kids will be the 3rd of September with items set up to view by Aug. 21;  the next Pearl Cemetery workday will be Oct. 14 with a reschedule date if necessary due to inclement weather of Oct. 21; and the Pearl Church of Christ 128th Reunion will be Oct. 15.  Mark your calendars, and please know that everyone is cordially invited to attend any and all of these events!

Kay and I got to talk this week which is always a blessing. She reported that it’s hot in Gatesville, and I reported that it’s hot in Nacogdoches. We both decided that we would not complain about cold weather, if it ever gets to either place, unless it’s “Snowmageddon” cold weather! We’ll see how that actually goes if winter ever arrives.

I was reading through the minutes in The Pleasure and Profit Club, ($15.00 at the Pearl Cottage Bookstore) and a memory of Perry Brothers in Gatesville was evoked. I loved that store, and my grandmother Hancock made me many dresses, pajamas, shirts, etc. from material she purchased at Perry’s. I also remember the paper dolls my dad bought me on our Saturday trips to town which included stopping by Perry’s and Davis Variety Store. Yes, those really were the good old days! Here’ the Feb. 17, 1965, entry: 

“The club met with Lillie Ballard. Fourteen members and two visitors were present. Each brought their food for lunch. The work for the day was quilting two quilts for the hostess. The president called the house to order for the business meeting. The secretary called the roll and read the minutes of the previous meeting. Minutes were approved as read. Motion was made, seconded, and carried by majority vote that the club buy some cups for the Community Center. Eunice Bates stated that Perrys had cups for 10 cents each. She was asked to get us as many as she could, up to two dozen. There was no further business, so the club adjourned to meet with Eunice Bates March 3. Dues paid $1.20. Paid for cups $1.63. Balance in treasure $125.02.”

This week’s Bible verse comes from Ephesians 2:10—For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” NIV

Please pray for rain and cooler weather, our country, our schools, and for those parents whose child is going off to higher education, joining the workforce, or joining the military!! (James 5:16b-The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.) Be sure and check out the Pearl Church of Christ Facebook page, too. There are a number of new urgent prayer needs that you can add to your prayer list.

Be sure and like the Pearl Community Center, Texas Facebook page and the Pearl Cottage Bookstore and Resale Shop Facebook page! Please submit any Pearl news to betsyclark47@yahoo.com.