Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Pearl News


We were saddened to learn of the losses of Mr. Roy Reynolds and Mr. Jack Elam this past week. Mr. Reynolds and his wife lived in Beehouse and attended church in Pearl before they sold their home due to illness. We enjoyed knowing Mr. Reynolds even though our time together was short.

Mr. Elam, born and raised in Pearl, was an astute businessman and community leader in Evant for more years than we can count. Mr. Elam was 105 years old. You can find lots of information about Mr. Elam both in past issues of the Gatesville Messenger and on the Pearl Church of Christ Facebook page. He will be greatly missed.

Services for both gentlemen are pending at this time. We extend our deepest sympathies to both families.

The Pearl Cemetery Association gathered last week for their annual meeting. Those in attendance were Sue Wilhite, Linda Ray, Chris Ray, Misti Ray, Rhonda Dickie, Garrett Dickey, Betty Blakley and Ronald Medart. Discussed were the financial report and the upcoming plans for the pavilion. Donations are still being accepted for the construction of this pavilion to Pearl Cemetery Association, c/o Linda Ray, 1771 CR 152, Purmela, TX 76566. Plaques will be made in honor of those who donate and who the donations commemorate.

The Pearl Church of Christ will have its annual Revival on July 9 and 10. The speakers will be Wil Jackson on Saturday evening and Chris Halpayne for Sunday morning. The Saturday evening service begins at 7 p.m., and the Sunday morning service begins at 10:30 a.m. There will be a homemade ice cream supper following the Saturday evening service, and a brunch/lunch will follow the Sunday morning service. Everyone is invited.

The quarterly meeting of the Pearl Community Center board will meet on July 25 at 6:30 p.m. Everyone is invited to attend.

Items for the Labor Day Sunday Scholarship Auction and Fish Fry on Sept. 4 will be out and ready for bidding in the dining room on August 21 at the Pearl Church of Christ.

Pearl Church of Christ was surprised and blessed to have Turtle Powell stop by the church and visit for a minute. He has been a VBS regular since he was a tiny little boy until he went off to college in Corpus Christi. Why do these precious kiddos have to grow up and move away so fast? We love you, Turtle, and can’t wait until your next visit.

I have had a wonderful two weeks in that my grands and sons were visitors at my house. Matthew Clark and his three lovelies, Ainsley, Ellie, and Oliver, and I had lunch at the Main Street Diner in Evant (yum!), and then the girls got to spend the night. Matthew and Oliver returned the next evening to pick up the girls, so we all got to play and visit again. Then, Cliff and his daughter, Callyn, came to stay a few days which, of course, involved eating out, Cliff cooking his delicious special dishes, and lots of playtime. I am one blessed Grammie, that’s for sure.

This week’s Bible verse: “I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed.” Romans 8:18,19. Contact me at betsyclark47@yahoo.com to submit any Pearl news.

Be sure and “Like” the Facebook page, Pearl Community Center, Texas, to keep up with the latest Pearl and Pearl Bluegrass news.