Friday, July 5, 2024
Folks Around Town

Say hello to our neighbor, Eva Salle!


Eva is the manager at Prima Pasta and said, “I think the best part about my job is that 90 percent of the time I actually look forward to going into work. Sure, I have random days off, but the majority of the time I am just ready to get in there and see my family, because that is what my coworkers and customers are…family.” She moved to Gatesville when she was 14 years old and has moved away several times in between, but she finally came back seven years ago and has worked at Prima Pasta for about five years now. She said that she loves Gatesville, because we are not just a large group of people but an actual community where everyone seems to know everyone and are there for each other in time of need.

Eva reads The Gatesville Messenger and expressed that she enjoys reading about the garage sale ads. “It is amazing to me the things you can find at a good garage sale by looking in the newspaper,” she said.

If you happen to see Eva around town, say hello! She is one of us!