Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Prayers answered at Pecan Grove Baptist


In the early morning hours of Saturday, May 5, raging flood waters from nearby Coryell Creek entered the 95-year-old house of worship known as Pecan Grove Baptist Church. Lifelong members of the church said that it was the highest the water had ever been in the building. Pews, hymnals, church furnishings, and the pulpit were all displaced.

Since the church was flooded, it was considered that Sunday services could be held underneath the tabernacle, which is located on the church grounds, but the ground was too muddy. It was then decided that they would hold services in the Oglesby Community Building until the church could be repaired.

A second blow came a few weeks after the flood when a thunderstorm with high winds blew through the area and uprooted a large pecan tree on the grounds of the church. “It was the largest pecan tree on the church property, and it fell on and crushed one corner of our historic tabernacle,” said Pecan Grove Pastor, Jeff Huckeby.

 When the restoration of the church began, Huckeby reported, “The restoration got off to a slow start with all the rain we had following the flood. Drying out the building took longer than expected because of the high humidity. At this point, the restoration and repairs are expected to take about 10 weeks.”

The church’s flood insurance only covered some of the structural damage, but not any of the contents according to Huckeby.

“There were several items we had not considered when estimating the total repair cost. In January, we had just purchased new upholstered chairs for our fellowship hall, and those will have to be replaced. One big expense and surprise for us was the cost of replacing the pew cushions. Just those two things added an additional $8,000 to $9,000,” Huckeby said.

“Last Sunday, the 23rd, after we received the full restoration estimate, the deacons and I met and discussed our financial situation and how much we lacked in paying for the repairs. I told them I was confident that God would provide, because the mission and ministry of our church has been an important part in the lives of so many people and families in the county and community for the past 142 years that many would not hesitate to step up and help. And, Praise God, they did,” he said.

Huckeby set up a Go Fund Me page last week and he reported that within a couple of hours they were already getting donations. Then a long-time church member stepped forward and donated $50,000 to cover the cost of whatever was needed to repair and restore the church. Prayers were answered.

Huckeby also mentioned the assistance from other sources. “There have been two local churches that have taken up special offerings to help our church. We have had numerous offers of ‘hands on’ assistance from individuals and an offer from a student services organization at Baylor to come and do some work as needed,” he said.

With the generosity of those making donations and those offering to help in other ways, Pecan Grove Baptist should be back on its feet in a matter of months. God has listened, and prayers are being answered on the banks of Coryell Creek.