Tuesday, July 2, 2024
Folks Around Town

Say hello to our neighbor, Sara Jo Poynter!


Sara Jo Poynter is a local of Gatesville and describes herself as, “A Jane of all trades but a master of none.” She has been a pre-planning agent with Scott’s Funeral Home since February 2023 and said, “Having gone through the very sad brain cancer diagnosis of my mom, Nancy Dixon, and helping her pre-plan her funeral, and then losing her: That experience gave me a very recent inside look at what happens and how beneficial pre-planning can be.” She also takes on the role of being a Certified Personal Trainer and group exercise instructor at the Gatesville Fitness Center. “The best part is helping others to realize that they have what it takes if they simply put forth the effort, make the time, and do the work that is required.” She also loves to organize and has a side business called R.I.S.E., in which she travels to homes and helps families rise above chaos by getting them de-cluttered. She expressed that seeing the A-HA moment and the instant relief it gives her clients to walk into an uncluttered area is what she loves most about her job. She was born and raised in Gatesville but went back and forth between Meridian schools. She later got married and had her children in the Fort Worth area. “My family and I moved back home to Gatesville in 2017,” she said. “I love the way we support each other, encourage, and motivate one another and truly care and love each other.”

Sara reads The Gatesville Messenger each week. “My favorite thing about the Gatesville Messenger is the Mound News,” she said. “The best aunt ever, Barbara Sue Hopson, writes that column and is by far my favorite and has been for 40 plus years. The advertising prices are affordable, and the coverage of community events is pretty amazing, too.”

Sara Jo’s motto is, “Create a life that you love.”

If you happen to see Sara Jo around town, say hello! She is one of us!