Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Student overcomes illness to shine at school


Everyone faces challenges in life — but for some, those obstacles can seem mountainous. Gatesville Elementary School third-grader Lia Castillo is one who has overcome much at an early age, battling childhood cancer but remaining fully committed to school.

"Lia beat leukemia when she was only 3 years old and she has had some recurring health issues, so she had a little surgery and missed the second day of school," said Gatesville Independent School District Superintendent Barrett Pollard.

But the desire to see other students and teachers meant that Lia refused to be sidelined for long.

"Lia was so excited about meeting her classmates and teachers that she insisted on going to the first day of school at Gatesville Elementary," Pollard said.

Since her surgery, she quickly returned to class because she missed her classmates and teachers.

"We wish all students loved school as much as Lia and were as dedicated and hard-working despite obstacles.

For her perseverance and dedication, Lia was recognized during the Student Spotlight at the GISD Board of Trustees meeting on Aug. 30.

"What a testimony to her commitment to being at school, and she's had good reports so far," Pollard said. "She’s doing great."