Tuesday, July 2, 2024

The bluebonnets are coming!


Where has the time gone? Remarkably, we are halfway through the month of March, while just the other day, it was New Year’s Eve. A host of traditional markers seem to be upon us as most schools celebrated spring break this past week, St Patrick’s Day is Sunday, and Easter is just around the corner. Before we know it, full blown spring will be upon us.

The best thing about spring in Texas is the arrival of the bluebonnets. I am not sure of any annual ritual which puts a bigger spring in my step or smile on my face than does seeing bluebonnets dotting the Texas landscape.

Texas is known for its bluebonnets, and even though it’s not the only place in the United States where they can be found, it is the only place you’ll find both the Lupinus Texensic and Lupinus Subcarnosis species. Bluebonnets are often seen as a symbol of renewal, hope, and the Texas spirit. The flowers are very hearty and represent the beauty that can emerge from even the harshest and most challenging environments. 

One of my favorite ways to observe bluebonnets is driving down the highway, enjoying the fresh air of spring while listening to my favorite music on the radio. I do not know how many people in Texas have the same spring ritual as I, but I feel certain it is most of them.

Did you know the bluebonnet was chosen as the official state flower in 1901? Or that Texas was the first state to plant wildflowers along their highways? Aren’t we glad they did so?

First National Bank of Central Texas “Bluebonnets in Bloom” contest

With the arrival of spring, it is time for the second annual First National Bank of Central Texas “Bluebonnets in Bloom” contest! Last year hundreds of photos were submitted portraying our readers favorite bluebonnet images. Some were silly, some artistic, and all were simply amazing.

Starting March 18 and for a total of 4 weeks, a weekly winner will be selected from those photos which are submitted on our website. The winner each week will receive a year’s subscription to the Gatesville Messenger, a Bluebonnets in Bloom t-shirt, their photo will be included in next week’s edition of the newspaper and appear on our website. At the end of four weeks, a grand prize winner will be announced from the total entries received. The winner shall receive, in addition to the weekly prize, $100 cash - plus their photo will be featured on the front page of the newspaper! Importantly, all the entries will be featured in the gallery section of our website.

So, while you are out driving around taking landscape shots of bluebonnets, images of your kids sitting in a field of “bonnies,” of a great image of the Texas countryside dotted with bluebonnets, send the photo to the Gatesville Messenger website. Go to www.gatesvillemessenger.com and enter. Last year’s grand prize winner was viewed online by nearly 500,000 people! This year we have a goal of a million views!

Thought for the day: God created Texas so we could all know what Heaven looked like.

Until next time … I will keep ridin’ the storm out.
