Tuesday, July 2, 2024

The Bluegrass event is in full swing!


The Bluegrass event is going on all day long, and it’s free. Then, be sure and stop by the Pearl Cottage Bookstore in the historic old teacherage and browse the over 6,000 books and various other sundries the store offers. Plus, it’s the friendliest store in Coryell County (possibly the world), and you’ll love visiting with Kay and Corlisa. Remember, all purchases are by donation with the saying being “buy what you want, pay what you want.” All monies go toward the bookstore’s local charities. There’s no place like Pearl.

Get ready for the upcoming Pearl Church of Christ annual Valentine Auction benefiting His Kids, which is held in honor and memory of Richard Williams, the founder of this wonderful program. The auction will be held after services, on Sunday, Feb.11, and the bidding will close at 1:30 p.m. If you would like to view the items for auction in advance, they will be out and ready to bid upon Feb. 4-10 in the fellowship rooms of the church. Among the numerous other items for bid are many pairs of new, men’s size 11 name brand shoes, including Adidas, Nike’s, etc., glassware, and crystal.  Everyone is invited to participate, and you are always welcome at the Pearl Church of Christ. Services are held each Sunday at 10:30 a.m.

I have to tell you what Kay told Linda during this last dreadful cold spell we had. Remember back in August when Kay and Linda said that they would never complain about the cold weather again? Well, that’s not true. Kay Dean Pruett has vowed that if it ever warms up again, she’s going to the bookstore in her bikini even if it’s 110 in the shade. Won’t that be a sight! That’s worth finding that teeny weeny, turquoise greeny, stringy bikini no matter what measures we have to take. We’ll be sure and have the Messenger cover this story...with pictures (Kay has threatened to drive to East Texas and kill me if I print anything else about her. She doesn’t scare me. I’m thinking that’s one way to get her out here, lol.)

If you ever doubt your own sanity, here’s a story that tells us that we’re all perfectly normal. I was reading a story on social media about a lady who was leaving a local store (the big one in town) when she got a text from her daughter asking, “Mom, where are you?” The mother texted back, “I’m leaving the parking lot and will be home in about 5 minutes.” The daughter replied, “Mom, I rode to the store with you!” The mother replied, “Recalculating.” Yes, we’re definitely all okay.

This week’s Bible verse comes from 2 Corinthians 5:21—For our sake He made Him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God. NIV


Be sure and like the Pearl Community Center, Texas Facebook page, and the Pearl Cottage Bookstore and Resale Shop Facebook page. Please submit any Pearl news to betsyclark47@yahoo.com