Tuesday, July 2, 2024

The Buzzard


This story came to mind when the buzzards from Mexico made their way here as they do every year in late February and early March. Oh, how I dread them as our goats are having their baby kids at this time. I’ve tried to make them “kid out” at other times, but that doesn’t always work because nature does what it wants to do!

I know our eco system requires a lot of things I don’t like, but it seems that’s just the way it is in birthing season.

My story isn’t all about Mexico buzzards because I don’t remember them even being here then when I was a teenager years ago. They were just our ugly black buzzards flying around!

Remember, we had only a windmill and a huge storage tank for our only water then – no community water like we are so fortunate to have now. Anyway, the storage water tank had no cover – a fact that caused our misery for several days.

A buzzard somehow decided to land on our storage water tank that supplied water to our house. Maybe it was thirsty or just fell in our tank, but it happened. So yes, the tank had to be drained – thank goodness there was a way for the precious water to be drained from the side. All that water going into the ground, and Dad had to have water for us from North Fort Hood. Our great neighbors helped with containers to aid us.

Then the work began. The tank had to be cleaned with bleach, and many mops and, and many mops and hard work began – again with neighbor help – thank goodness. The wind did blow when this was completed and the rinsing began – more hard work, then the round screen had to be built so this would not happen again! I remember Mom saying, “Oh why didn’t we do this long ago.” I felt so sorry for her. Times were not easy back then, please remember that.

I will always remember how our neighbors helped us and how lucky we were to live in our great community and how good they were to us. All are gone now, but I remember and tell my story to my kids. Be thankful for your friends.

The windmill and storage tank are here no more as we have community water now; just turn on a faucet. I do miss the sound of the windmill and I really remember the “old days” at times especially when the water bill arrives, but progress had made our lives easier.

The buzzards still fly, and I don’t like them one bit. Our goats have guard dogs now and they keep them away from the goats at birthing time fairly good.

I just wanted to tell you another story about my growing up days in the country that I dearly love. I guess I just wanted to remind everyone how lucky we are to have family and live in a helping community.

Okay – until I remember another story! Have a great day everyone and be thankful for our country that is free for now anyway.