Tuesday, July 2, 2024

The signs are everywhere that Christmas is around the corner



The signs are everywhere that Christmas is around the corner


Sam Houston is the publisher of the Hood County News. He is also an actor, author, playwright, performer and entertainment producer/promoter.

There is no doubt about it, Christmas is right around the corner. I will never figure out how Christmas seems like a distant memory for most of the year, and then suddenly it upon us like a spring tornado. Just this week I saw the Salvation Army Red Kettle campaign in action. When I see that red kettle and hear the bell ringing, I know it is nearly Christmas. I am thankful for all the help the Salvation Army supplies throughout the year with the money they it raises during the holiday season. I hope when you walk by one of those kettles you reach into your pocket and contribute. I have complete confidence the money that goes to the Salvation Army is well spent and makes a difference in the lives of others.

Seems like out of nowhere, decorations are in the storefront windows, Christmas lights are on houses, and lots of families begin the ritual of the Elf on the Shelf. The hardworking folks with Toys for Tots are collecting and distributing items for needy children.  Churches all over town have readied their plans for their Christmas programs. All are signs Christmas is upon us.

Of course, it is a time for shopping and trying to find the right gift for those special people in our lives. I hate that not many people send Christmas cards like they once did. Something about having a Christmas card with a personal message from a friend makes my heart warm. I am promising myself to send cards out before it is too late.

I have been told by my family that I am a very hard person to shop for. If I really and truly need something, I already have gone out and purchased it. If I do not really “need” an item, I don’t really desire it. I am sure I did not have those feelings when I was 8 years old, but now my perspective has changed. I have a good home, a job I enjoy, great people to work with, friends to celebrate, and a wonderful community to live in. Lots of folks would kill to have those things in their life. I am content. But keeping with the tradition of Christmas, let me give you my brief Christmas gift list:

1. Good health and prosperity for my coworkers, friends, and family.

2. The Dallas Cowboys winning at least two playoff games. (I thought it would be more than a wish to ask for a Super Bowl win, so two playoff wins would be fine).

3. The Dallas Mavericks to find some help for Luka Doncic, preferably a ball handling, passing machine who can shoot the lights out of the gym.

4. For understanding and unity to enter the hearts of all of us. To forget petty differences and prejudices, and work together to find solutions to our problems, putting politics, power and control on the backburner, and placing the well-being of all on the forefront.

5. To stop labeling people who see things differently with a negative moniker. Try and understand that none of us have all the answers and if we would simply listen and hear each other, our differences may not be distinct as we thought. We might even find some solutions.

6. As we grow in population, to not lose those quaint characteristics that make our communities special and unique.

7. Appreciate all the blessings we have, living in the greatest country of the world and having the unique privilege of being able to say we are a Texan.

Hope your Christmas shopping and holiday traditions are all going well. Treasure them, and each other. The Christmas season is here!

Thought for the day: There are three stages of Santa Claus: You believe in Santa Claus. You don’t believe in Santa Claus.  You are Santa Claus!

Until next time.


sam@hcnews.com | 817-573-7066, ext. 260