Tuesday, July 2, 2024

United Women in Faith held meeting


United Women in Faith met on May 14, 2024, in the Banquet Room of the First Methodist Church in Gatesville, beginning at 5:30 p.m. Fifteen members were present. Hostesses were Jeanette Shepherd and Linda Lovelace.

President Patsy Smart called the meeting to order by leading in the Blessing. During refreshments, Linda Klontz led members in picking new prayer partners for the month. Following refreshment time, President Smart thanked the hostesses and read The Purpose. Mary Beth Bogard read from the Daily Prayer Guide, including international birthdays. Marilyn Decker announced our local chapter birthdays. Velva Riddle read from the Response Magazine. Riddle presented the program, Session 3 from their book “Living the Kingdom”, an exploration of the Lord’s Prayer, from Matthew 6, verse 10. The words are, “Your Kingdom Come, Your Will Be Done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.” When we think of heaven, we imagine all things wonderful. But on earth, we have many disagreements and power struggles. How can we make earth more like heaven? She asked the group to imagine their “perfect day” listing all the things that would make it just right. Shirleen Chandler led the group in singing, “Be Still, My Soul” followed by a closing prayer, The Prayer of St. Francis.

President Smart called the business meeting to order. Among the business items Kathleen Blankemeyer presented sign-up sheets for their salad supper on August 13. Chandler gave an update of news from the Mid-Tex Global Methodists, including more information about the upcoming meeting of the Women’s Ministry, on Nov. 16, in Waco.

The meeting adjourned with the Benediction.