Wednesday, July 3, 2024

United Women in Faith met on Oct. 11


The regular meeting of the United Women in Faith was held Oct. 11 in the Banquet Room of the Methodist Church in Gatesville at 5:30 p.m.

Fourteen ladies were present including one new member, Linda Maxwell, and one visitor, Cindy Martin. The hostesses were Kathleen Blankemeyer and Shirleen Chandler.

President Patsy Smart called the meeting to order by leading in the Blessing. Following refreshments, President Smart thanked the hostesses and read The Purpose. Velva Riddle read from the Daily Prayer Guide and the Response Magazine. Chandler led the group in singing “Pass It On.” Carol Dildine presented the program called “Celebrate the Little Stuff.” She began with an activity celebrating each one present. The scripture was Luke 15: 8-10, a story Jesus told about a woman who lost a coin and rejoiced when it was found. Celebrating helps us fill our cups with joy, and Carol challenged the group to be more intentional to notice when something good happens to friends. They picked members who are unable to come to the meetings and wrote cards to them, spreading joy!

President Smart called the business meeting to order. Riddle spoke about their Special Mission Recognition recipient, Jane Harvey, sharing all the things she has done for the church. Chandler asked the group to consider a donation to the District Mission Project, the Un-included Club of Temple. She was able to visit the club recently and explained some of the projects they are working on with youth in East Temple. President Smart presented certificates the group had earned this year through their studies and donations. Vice-President Riddle passed around sign-up sheets for programs and hostessing for next year.

The meeting adjourned with the Benediction.