Wednesday, July 3, 2024

UWF met on March 14


United Women in Faith met on March 14 in the Banquet Room of the Methodist Church in Gatesville beginning at 5:30 p.m. Fourteen members and one visitor, Cindy Martin, were present at the meeting. The hostesses were Mary Beth Rivers and Marilyn Decker.

President Patsy Smart began the meeting by leading in the blessing. During refreshments, Linda Klontz led members in choosing a new prayer partner. Following refreshments, Smart thanked the hostesses and read The Purpose. Rivers read from the Daily Prayer Guide, and Velva Riddle read a prayer from the Response Magazine. Riddle led the program from the book “Who Can We Be Together?” This session comes from Luke 13:10-17, where Jesus heals on the Sabbath. The woman had been sick for many years, and Jesus wanted her to have a better life. Jesus called the religious leaders hypocrites because they objected to his healing her on the Sabbath. In our world today, there are many people who are old, sick and suffering from handicapping conditions. We need to keep focused on what can be done to help. Shirleen Chandler led the group in singing, “Let There Be Peace on Earth.”

President Smart called the business meeting to order. Under new business, Riddle led members in a discussion about Easter bags that will be given to people in local care centers. Items need to be wrapped and should be enough for 13 people and three nurses’ stations. Members decided to meet at 10 a.m. on Tuesday morning, April 4, to prepare the bags. Anyone who cannot meet at that time may bring their gifts to the office beforehand.

The meeting adjourned with the benediction.