Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Walks are always an adventure for Jeff and Lu


It's been a while since you've heard from us, so I guess we owe y'all an update on how things are going.

While I can't promise that this will continue during the warm summer months, Lu and I have been enjoying some long walks and enjoying the local countryside.

In the past, our walks were mostly to Raby or Faunt Le Roy parks or the track in between them. And that route may have to be the one we take more often during the hottest parts of the year. Those are routes we can take even after dark, as long as we have a trusty flashlight with us.

We will miss those longer walks, though, and will still enjoy them as long as we can. They have taken us to the old 1904 Bridge at the end of East Leon Street and beyond to the other side. One of our favorite walks has been down West Leon Street past Levita Road as far as Old Pidcoke Road. 

It's a mostly serene walk with little traffic, although there is a loose dog or two at the end of the route that object to our passing through. So far, the dogs have been all bark and no bite, but nevertheless it is a bit worrisome. There are also plenty of dogs behind fences and sometimes even in houses that object to our passing by. I love and welcome the attention of friendly dogs. Unfriendly ones ... not so much. 

Last summer, on a walk in July we were just a street away from our home when two dogs came running out and threatened us. They actually seemed even more aggressive toward Tallulah than they did toward me. I yelled "No! No! loudly as the dogs barked and snarled and fortunately, they backed off. It made me consider getting a stout walking stick and perhaps some pepper spray for the worst case scenario, which we have fortunately been able to avoid so far.

We have also encountered some other interesting animals along the way, those of the wildlife variety. It is common to see deer along the way at any time of day or night. One day, we actually saw a peacock walking down a road. It was a pretty sight, and it made a loud noise that startled Tallulah, and also my mother, whom I was talking via cellphone at the time.

On Memorial Day, we had our first encounter with a snake. I don't know what kind it was, but it was gray and looked like it tried to strike Lu. Fortunately, she was faster than the snake and very elusive. So elusive, in fact, that she jerked out of her collar and away from the lease and trotted a few feet down the road. I calmed her down and told her the snake didn't want to encounter us anymore than we wanted to see it, and she warily came back so we could resume our walk.

I may try to explore some other routes, but some can only be taken in the day, so that limits us as the weather starts to get hotter. We could go earlier, but then we risk getting dogs barking at 6 a.m. when their owner leaves them outside. I hate to limit our exercise, though. So far, it's been very good for both my health and Tallulah's.

Lu, do you have anything to say?

Lu: Well, I like our long walks, but not that snake! And I wish dogs along our way would just let us walk in peace. We aren't bothering them by walking by their house.

I also appreciate it when we take a nice break and you give me a drink of water. I wish it wouldn't get any hotter - at least until you humans manage to invent outside air conditioning.

We may have to do more walking at night because we don't want to get too hot. I like walking anytime, but it's more fun to see what you're walking past.

I look forward to Sam (Jeff's son) and maybe even his dogs visiting us this summer. It's almost like a little parade when we have more than one person and dog walking. Hey, maybe we could start a walking club. That would be fun!

Jeff: That would be fun, but because of my work schedule I sometimes have to walk at times that wouldn't work for everyone. But it might be an option on some Saturdays. Walking is great exercise, and it's fun to enjoy the great outdoors, even for a little while. Until next time, Lu and I wish you the best — and happy trails!