Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Where do you stand on pumpkin spice? Yes or no?



Where do you stand on pumpkin spice? Yes or no?


Sam Houston is the publisher of the Hood County News. He is also an actor, author, playwright, performer and entertainment producer/promoter.


Seems like only a couple of weeks ago I’d walk out of the front door of the newspaper and jump in my car, and the steering wheel would be too hot to touch. Once the car was started, I would turn the air conditioning on full blast, and then roll down the windows to let some of the hot air which had previously been trapped, escape. Such was my routine for what seems like a great many months.

This past weekend I made a trip to visit a friend who resides north of Denton. I left early in the morning and as I departed; I never paid much attention to the day’s weather forecast. After all, for months the weatherman had recited the same tired old lines, “hot and miserable” followed by ”hot and miserable.” Why would I check now?

 When I arrived about 8 a.m., it was a little overcast and the wind was blowing about 15 mph. My chosen attire for the day was shorts and a T-shirt. When the car door opened and I stepped out, I released an audible gasp. The temperature was only 54 degrees and with the wind factored in, it was cool!

Remember cool? It is that temperature that exists when it is not 105. I could not believe it! It was livable outside! Where did this phenomenon come from? Somewhere in the dark recesses of my memory bank I could remember cool days, but they had been so long ago I was not sure. Could this refreshing feeling indicate the seasons are changing and summer may be headed out the door?

There are other telltale signs of fall. There have been advertisements for people attempting to sell firewood. Municipalities all over the state are having community events with names like Octoberfest, or Harvest Moon. I am seeing Halloween items in the stores, and Heaven forbid, even some Christmas items. Is the long, hot, miserable summer finally leaving us?

I must admit I was not sure if Mother Nature had looked at the calendar, seen it was October and decided it was time to act, or if perhaps I was being taken in and the heat would reappear in a day or so. Then something happened that told me without a doubt, fall was here. When I walked through the grocery store, I saw a multitude of pumpkin spice flavored products on the shelves, ranging from coffee creamers to baked goods. The appearance of pumpkin spice is the ultimate signal of the change of seasons.

Pumpkin is one of my favorite pies and I have always enjoyed the spicy cinnamon flavor associated with the fall. The flavor lets my taste buds know the heat — which I have complained about for weeks on end — is finally on the way out the door. No longer will the air conditioner be running non-stop. I can turn off the ceiling fans which have run non-stop since late April, and I can look forward to having a fire in the outdoor fireplace on my deck. I can picture myself enjoying a cup of coffee while sitting around the fire, flavoring it with pumpkin spice, and wrapping a blanket around me while I enjoy the absence of mosquitoes and the incessant heat.

I know I am ready for the fall and winter to get here so I can enjoy all the good things associated with cooler weather. Besides, the sooner it happens the sooner I can start complaining and wondering when spring is going to get here, and it will finally warm up. The circle of life continues.

Thought for the day: Fall is the time when the world explodes with its last beauty, as if nature had been saving up all year for the last show of the season.

Until next time. | 817-573-7066, ext. 260