Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Commissioners take no action on Salary request


“I would just like to get her salary up to where it should be — my assistant has the most experience and is the lowest paid,” Williams told commissioners.

County Judge Roger Miller said the time to address salary adjustments and concerns is during the county budgeting process, which typically takes place during the summer.

Miller also referred to a $4,000 across the board payment made to sheriff’s office employees.

Williams said that $4,000 payment was just for those who are licensed law enforcement officers.

“I am seven or eight jailers short and three of four deputies short,” Williams said. “I know the surplus is there. I would like to amend to get her the salary she needs. The importance of her position is beyond measure.”

Commissioner Kyle Matthews said he agreed with the administrative assistant’s value, but added, “I believe we need to make adjustments at budget time.”

Commissioner Scott Weddle said county leaders need to “have a bit of discussion about administrative assistants at budget time because there hasn’t been a pay scale for them.”

Commissioner Ryan Basham said, “that’s an item we have to address at budget time.”